Senin, 16 Maret 2009
مجلة البحوث -- البحوث الإسلامية في منتجات الأعشاب DR.ALDJOEFRIE معهد معمل تشعيع LPLI وسنن Ampel سورابايا اندونيسيا في حالة أمراض مختلفة
1. البحث القضية الروماتيزم :
مرضى الروماتيزم حالة تنطوي على 50 شخصا في LPLI سنن Ampel تحت اشراف طبيب Aldjoefrie كاملة مختبر دراسة أنجزت في غضون 3 سنوات من البحث مع مختلف الأعمار -- ابتداء من سن 30 سنة -- 70 سنة هذا النوع من الألم استخدام الأدوية Mefenamic حمض 3x1 ونوع المخدر Kortikosteroid Dexamethason 3x 0.5 ملغ وغير Kortikosteroid مثل النتريوم Diclofenak غضون 5 سنوات انخفاض الشكاوى ومازالت تنشأ إذا توقفت عن العقار : في استخدام الادوية العشبية الإسلامية Nigella sativa GnG المريض جرعة في 3 × 1 مع اتباع capsul العلاج 3x1 مع ملعقة عسل والنفط والصحة الاسلام 3 × 3 capsul 5 لترات من الماء يوميا والعلاج الاسلام كدمة أو قرحة hijamah didaerah تظهر النتائج المثلى ، ورأى مباشرة بعد العلاج hijamah 1 اليوم الاحد في سبيل شكاوى المرضى لا يشعرون آلام في العظام والمشتركة Nigella Sativa GnG خفض الجرعة إلى 1 capsul من النوم في الليلة السابقة في الوقت نفسه مع مجموعة الاسترخاء والعلاج 2 × أسبوع والتدفئة مع الشمس ، أو الشمس في الصباح 15 دقيقة والعلاج مع مضاعفة السنة للصلاة من الناحية العملية لأن المفاصل -- مفاصل العظام إلى أن تكون أكثر مرونة انخفاض في وزن الجسم ، بالنظر إلى المحرمات خلال العلاج : royco ، ماساكو ، micin ، بطة واللحوم والدهون الحيوانية ، penyedap المعنى ، indomie وما شابه ذلك.
ResearchS the use of Islamic products from Herbal Aldjoefrie to patients by combining modern medical system and medical Islam
1. Research Case rheumatism
Case rheumatism involving 50 patients in the Sunan Ampel LPLI under the supervision of a doctor Aldjoefrie Laboratory examinations performed with the full period of time in 3 years of research with different age - is from the age of 30 years - 70 years that type of pain medication use Mefenamic Acid 3x1 and drug type Kortikosteroid Dexamethason 3x 0.5 mg and Non Kortikosteroid such as Natrium Diclofenak within 5 years reduced complaints and still arise if the drug is stopped , Herbal medicine use in the Islamic Nigella sativa GnG patient dose in 3 X 1 capsul dibarengi therapy with 3x1 tablespoon honey and Health Islamic oil 3 x 3 capsul white water and 2.5 liters per hijamah bruise or a sore in the area show the results and the optimal therapy is felt immediately after the Islamic hijamah 1 sunday in a matter of patient complaints do not feel pain in the joint and Nigella Sativa GnG dose reduced to 1 capsul sleep the night before At the same time with relaxation therapy pool 2 x week and heating dimatahari in the morning 15 minutes and therapy with multiply Sunna prayer practice because joints - joints the bones to be more flexible reduction in body weight, given the taboo during therapy: royco, masako, micin, vetsin, duck meat, indomie, penyedap taste, coconut milk and the like
2. Cases of coronary heart research or ischemia miocard, anterior infark with the case ever in the ICU opname room or intensive care:
Patients involving 10 people for 3 years in the Sunan Ampel LPLI under the supervision of a doctor Aldjoefrie record checks at the same time with the heart, Echo, full blood, Cholesterol, Trigliserida, Blood Sugar, Bun Kreatinin with the view or the occurrence of angina chest pain and puncture through to the back and the back sweep to the left hand with the history record checks showed a positive heart of coronary heart disease,to breathe feels quite heavy when running far and fast tiredAND IN OPNAME experience with the ICU three times, and patient medication Get PHYSICIAN OF SUCH isoket cedocard, plavik, captopril is recommended by doctors during the heart of life. Therapy using a combination of herbal medicine and the pattern of living prophets prophet Muhammad SAW in maintaining health.Therapy treatment HIJAMAH ISLAM OR bruise is recommended during the first 3 months, while routine given Nigella sativa 3G 3 x 3 capsul after eating, Islamic Health 3x 3 capsul oil, wheat or oat quacker of rice, 3 x Honey 1 tbs. therapy was continued for 1 month.the result is felt by the patient chest pain did not arise and the patient tries to reduce its own medicine doctor for 1 month, the same reaction did not have pain in the next month and have recorded a decrease in the heart of the increase in FAR ST ELEVATION, Dose of Nigella Sativa 3G reduced to 3 x 1 capsul and given the taboo:: royco, masako, micin, duck, indomie, ordinary cooking oil, fat, coconut milk, gule sauce, sauce containing animal fat and maintain body condition before the meal hungry and stop before full as recommended by the prophet muhammad SAW.
3.research cases of patients with breast cancer stages 1 and 2
Research with patients taking 5 as research materials in the clinic, the patient data, patient history of disease and the process through which the metastase in writing, what the patient had surgery or not, full lab, photo mammograf also collected, the biopsy also collected the data. of 5 patients in the therapy provided with Nigella Sativa 3G 3x3 capsul, Islamic Health capsul Oil 3x3 routine within a month, a decrease in the number of views mammograf photo shows diminution of the size of cancer up to 40%. Patients are also advised not to think a lot of stress, lots of worship, drinking lots of water and avoid outside factors such as food preservative, vetsin, royco and coloring in a fast and monday thursday was very effective in the therapy to decrease or withhold metastase breast cancer from the stadium 1 and 2 in 5 patients.
4.research Patients with Diabetes mellitus type non-insulin dependent and insulin dependent
50 patients taken from the patient in the hospital as a private experiment with blood sugar between 300 - 550. patient therapy given to the way the prophet that is eating the once hungry and stop before feel full.and using 3 fingers like a prophet in order to maximize process food more quickly and the patient was even a little slow because the process - slow in chewing. patients are encouraged to fast monday and thursday, supplement rich and different types of patients from each of Nigella Sativa 3G, garlic Nigella sativa, Nigella propolis, 3x3 capsul dose 500 mg, and olive oil were olitalia 3x2 tablespoon routine, replaced the rice grain, the meat still allowed , milk, still, less fruit, less sugar. the results of research in a week time course of blood sugar to be 300 and 120 -125 a 500 blood sugar 150-168. patients also feel that the body feels more fresh and healthy, as well as patient complaints pins neuropathy due to diabetes is reduced far. and for the insulin dependent, insulin try loose to try, sugar remains controlled.